Miombo Woodland Reserve
Health and safety, social development and environmental conservation are equally as important as successful operational performance to CNM’s Management Team.
Current focus is on the Miombo Woodland preservation project. Management and staff are planting indigenous trees to extend and rejuvenate the forested area which has suffered deforestation in the past, as well as introducing new initiatives to demonstrate the commercial value of the reserve to the community. Miombo can support honey farming and mushroom growing, potentially creating new jobs within the community. Training and awareness around the conservation of the forest is also being driven, including how charcoal production can be maintained in a sustainable way.
Long term, the goal is to extend the rejuventation project beyond the immediate environs of the mine and local community by donating indigenous trees to neighbouring areas.

Sustainable Planting
Tree holes were dug about 1 meter deep and reburied with a mix of sand, compost, dried cow dung and black soil. The seedlings were planted and a carton cocoon with 2.5 litres of water was placed underground, around the plant. The cocoons were covered with a little sand and dried grass to reduce the rate of evaporation around the seedlings.
The cocoon is cost effective as it eliminates the need for irrigation systems, controls the growth of weeds around the plant and enables the plant to have a deep, wide root system. The cocoon is biodegradable, adding to the nutritional value of the soil.